Weekly Wrap-Up 002

Weekly Wrap-Up #2!! I'm on a roll!! Hello, Hello Friends!! Come on in!! We are SO happy you are here! How have you been?? What's been going on with YOU?? There hasn't been too much excitement around our homestead as of late. With Liam working his job from 12pm to 3pm Monday thru Friday,
it makes it a little tougher to go and do the things like we used to. But, we do still keep busy. The season we are in just looks a little different than it has in the past at the moment. And, that's OK. Things will change again before we know it.
This week, it's an audiobook.
I am taking advatage of using Hoopla thru our local library!
I have quite a few audio & e-books just sitting on my virtual shelf
waiting for me to devour!

"In this addictive and spectacularly imagined debut, a female apothecary secretly dispenses poisons to liberate women from the men who have wronged them—setting three lives across centuries on a dangerous collision course." Read more on the authors website....HERE.
This week I've made it to Chapter 10, so far, I've been enjoying the read, for the most part. I've read some reviews that the accuracy is way off, and such...which, I can not disagree, but I'm not reading for that. Just to enjoy a story, and for that, I think it's been a good read. {Lots of talk about men making malice decisions towards the women in their lives, though, so if you are sensitive to those types of themes, please read with caution!} You follow 3 stories from 3 different characters, their perspectives on their lives, the things that brought them to do what they do....I'm assuming, and as it does say in the description, they will all be brought together in some way! I'm waiting to see how that comes about!
I have also been reading this blog... Buddhaimonia: Meditation for Everyday Life
Been enjoying their posts! I love learning more & more about Buddhism! The more I read and learn, the more I love the philosophy, the outlook on life as it is, and the mindfulness of living.
A nice little surprise given to me by my adorable Husband.

We've had this rose bush outside, gosh...I think since we moved in. It kinda gets buried in the vines & such. I don't think it has had a bloom on it in a couple of years. BUT, this year, I think we've seen 3 or 4 so far!! This was one of them!!
Very nice to have been able to enjoy it sitting right at my kitchen window!!
A beautiful gift!!
You know what Thursday has become for us...right!?!? CHINESE NIGHT!!! Woot Woot!!!

We returned to that nice little spot at our State Park which is nearby. So far, there has barely been anyone else there when we are having our dinner.
Which was a good thing this time.
We had some good talk time...it was nice to have the solitude for that! Didn't bring the candles this time though....but, I did bring the "fancy glasses"!!! Going to have to figure out how to up my game for NEXT Thursday!!
This is our vet's office!! Isn't it just stunning?? I would LOVE to live in a house like this!!

Our precious little scrapper, Clementine, had a vet visit today!!

She weighed in at 10.05 lbs!!
Clem has made a FULL recovery from her accident last month, THANK GOODNESS!! We believe she has leveled up from being the "totally rotten" pup,
to a "totally spoiled" princess!!

Our little girl got all caught up on her vaccines, including her Rabies Vax! Had to get some blood drawn {that's what the red bandage on her leg is covering}
to test for heartworms & such. Came back negative!
She is super healthy, completely crazy, and so gosh darn cute!! She's just perfect!!
Took this photo of Clem this morning as we were all being lazy & sleeping in!

Definitely can tell she was NOT as "camera ready" as she was yesterday!! All that hair...WOW...everyday she wakes up with a wild & crazy FACE!!!

You can definitely see that Eevee is enjoying our morning laying around in bed, too!!
Today, Danny & I had errands to run for the upcoming wedding he will be in. It's not until October, but you know how you have to get everything done way in advance to make sure all the ducks are in a row!! Don't want any surprises closer to the date! We had to go put in for a pair of boots that he needs, but they did not have the correct ones in stock. The guy said he would check on it,
and give us a call back on Monday. Also, had to stop in at Mens Warehouse to get a complimentary fitting. I'm assuming Danny had this done back in the day for our wedding, too....when him and his groomsmen went to go get the suits we rented for our ceremony. I thought it was interesting to watch the man work with his measuring tape...then pick out a "test coat" for Danny to try on that fit him PERFECTLY!! What luck that the Mens Warehouse was located right next door to a Starbucks...so, I'm pretty sure I don't even have to tell you what happened next!!
I will say that I loved my yummy treat for our long drive home!
My morning coffee delivered to me in bed my the most handsome guy in the world!

Complete with a chocolate heart!!
Going along with the errands we had to run for Danny yesterday,
we are also needing to make some plans for September.
Danny has the bachelor party to attend in Nashville,
and we are leaving a week early to sneak in a getaway for ourselves as well! BUT, we've got to get busy making plans & reservations before everything is filled!!
Pulled this treasure off the shelf today!!
Had a bag of apples that have been sitting on our kitchen table.
No one was really eating them...so I went looking for something else to do with them.

I came across a recipe that hasn't been made in this house in a very long time... APPLE BROWNIES!!!
It is a dessert that is not overly sweet...just how my Husband likes it! Now, don't get me wrong...he most definitely has a sweet tooth
{he did marry me after all},
but he prefers sweets that aren't all that sweet...if that makes sense at all! Baking these made the most wonderous aroma fill our home!! Apples & cinnamon are one of my most very favorite smells!!
Made some lunch meat & cheese sliders for dinner. I use those Sweet Hawaiian Rolls. Put on the lunch meat & cheese. Buttered the top of the rolls, and add a sprinkle of garlic powder.
Put in the oven until everything is heated & the cheese is melted! Added some potato salad, mandarin oranges, and some strawberries & dessert hummus that I found in the fridge as sides!
For the Hubby, to balance out the "not so sweet" brownies...I added a bit of ice cream to make it a la mode!! The brownies were still warm,
but I also heated it up just a bit in the microwave before adding the ice cream.

The blackberries are making their presence known in our backyard!

I do love our backyard for all of the natural goodies that it has! Today I had a very nice lunch with a friend that I have not seen in such a long time! It was SO wonderful to sit with her, and catch up a bit! We have quite a bit more to go, and I can NOT wait to get together with her again! Oh, how I have missed her so!!
Tuesday is a great evening for a Starbucks treat!!

Stopped in at the pet store after picking up our Starbucks...saw these cute little Beardies looking just so adorable!! Couldn't help but grab a pic to share with you!!

That completes our week. We are SO happy that you have visited!! Please leave a comment below so we know you stopped by! We would LOVE to hear from YOU!! What is a favorite recipe of YOURS that you haven't made in a long time??
Sending Love & Light to YOU!!