
Hey Hey Friends!! Thanks for stopping in!! Boy, do I have a story for you today!! Would you like some coffee, tea, or something else to drink? Go ahead and grab yourself something, then let's get comfy, and I'll tell you about a close call I had yesterday when I was dropping off my kiddo at work!!
So, as you know, yesterday was Monday. I guess that explains A LOT!! While I'm over here trying to "Make Mondays Marvelous", Monday has other plans for me, apparently!!
If you didn't already know, my kid works at our local mall. Our mall sits in the middle with a parking lot surrounding it. Then there is a "road way" that encircles the parking lot. If that makes sense?? We pull in from the "main road", and enter the circle "road way", then drive half way around the mall to the entrance closest to the store that they work at. He works full time, so we do this 5 days a week!!
On this day, as we pulled into the circle "road way", out of my side view I could see a vehicle coming in our direction a bit faster than I was comfortable with.
After observing for a few more milliseconds, I saw this minivan crossing thru parking lanes, headed towards the end of the parking lot, wanting to turn into the circle, but with absolutely no intention of stopping at the end of the lot to let ANY passerbyers on the "road way" go by...since they would have the right of way.
Thankfully I saw her coming and slowed, almost to a stop, to prevent all of us from serious injury or even worse. It was very clear by the gaping smile on her face and big wave she gave to me as she crossed the road right in front of me, she felt she had done no wrong here. Even as I was laying on my horn in complete frustration & disbelief the whole time!!
As I annoyingly look back on the situation that transpired in that moment… I am at a true loss to understand. I have so many questions. Was this woman on some sort of bad drug trip?? It was a minivan, so… did she have children in there that she just gambled their lives along with hers, mine, & my kiddo's?? Where was she going in such a hurry she decided it didn't matter to put all these lives in jeopardy?? What are they teaching people in Driver's Ed these days?? Was she possessed by the Monday demons?? Could she have been nothing more than just a complete idiot??
All I do know, is that if I would have missed seeing her barreling her way across the parking lot, we would have collided. There would have been no avoiding it. She could have slammed her minivan that was going no less than 35 mph, right into the side of Rubie (my SUV), right into where my kid was sitting.
We could have been having a very very bad Monday because of this woman in the minivan.
Be safe out there everyone!! Be wary of all those others out there. I know most drivers are decent, but it only takes one moron in a minivan to ruin your whole day… possibly even change your life forever.
Life is SO fragile!!
Deep sigh. Thank you so much for listening to me vent out my frustrations. It's Tuesday morning now, and I still feel tense about it. I'm such an overthinker {go figure}, and when it comes to the "what could have happened" and "it could have been so much worse"...I will definitely target in on those thoughts, and obsess for a few days on it.
It is people like that lady that makes me want to find our cabin in the woods. Waaaay out in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere we can just not really have to interact with others that often. Can you relate??
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