Terms & Conditions
First thing we want to let everyone know is that Not Before Noon is OUR STORY! It is an account of our experiences, our motivations, our thoughts, our outlooks...and we are sharing it all with you! We do this because it is our passion to inspire and encourage others, to help bring a smile and giggle to others, to provide a bit of entertainment to others, and to share what we learn along our journey of life.
Please keep in mind that YOU will need to do your own questioning, research, and determining if what we are sharing would be right for you & your family! We are definitely not pushing or forcing anyone into doing anything they are not comfortable with. We encourage you to seek guidance from those you trust before doing any of what we do or suggest to do. Be that from a doctor, a therapist, a clergy, a family member or a friend.
Our family's goal is to be able to run our Not Before Noon full time from home, and have the whole family involved in creating content to share with the world!! To be able to do this, we do need to be able to make a living from it. Which is why you will see advertisements on our site, and such. At no extra cost to you, your purchases will help support Not Before Noon & our family! We will be FOREVER & ALWAYS appreciative!
Terms of Use
Not Before Noon is our family's way of sharing our story with the world. We strive to share what has worked for us, so others can learn from & be inspired by our experiences.
Visit your family doctor before changing or trying anything that would affect your health.
Advice, inspirations, motivations & encouragements should be taken "AT YOUR OWN RISK".
Readers should be aware that they are reading/watching our offerings of their own free will, and will NOT hold Not Before Noon, or the creators, responsible for any negative outcomes.
Privacy Statement
Not Before Noon will not sell any of our readers' personal or contact information to another company. Not Before Noon will not put their information on spam lists. But also, Not Before Noon is not responsible for the privacy practices of any of our advertisers or blog commenters.
Copyright Policy
Unless otherwise noted, Not Before Noon is the legal copyright holder of all material that is on our blog and that others cannot use it to reprint or publish without our written consent. This includes, but is not limited to...photos, ideas, blog posts, videos, etc.
Some images, that are not originally created by the Not Before Noon team, which appear on the Not Before Noon site, our social media outlets, and emails are from the Pixabay website. Pixabay is an online community of creatives, sharing copyright free images and videos. It is stated on their website that "all contents are released under Creative Commons CC0, which makes them safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist - even for commercial purposes". {More info about Pixabay can be found on their website www.pixabay.com}
Some images, that are not originally created by the Not Before Noon team, which appear on the Not Before Noon site, our social media outlets, and emails may be from the Pexels website. "Pexels provides high quality and completely free stock photos licensed under the Pexels license. All photos are nicely tagged, searchable and also easy to discover through our discover pages." {More info about Pexels can be found on their website www.pexels.com}
Hold Harmless
All the information provided on Not Before Noon is for entertainment purposes only and that we are not providing medical, legal or other professional advice. We want our readers to understand that they are reading and/or using any of the information from Not Before Noon at their own risk, and can not, under an circumstances, hold Not Before Noon, or any persons employed by Not Before Noon, or those who created Not Before Noon liable for any negative outcomes. Which would include mental, emotional, or physical harm of any sort.
Reserve Rights
Not Before Noon reserves the right to change the focus on our blog, to shut it down, sell it, or to change the terms of use at our own discretion.
Advertisers and Sponsors
Not Before Noon, nor any of it's creators, are not responsible for the actions of our advertisers or sponsors. For example, if you would purchase a product or a service based upon a link from our blog, you must take action with that exact company to resolve any issues, not with Not Before Noon.
Not Before Noon is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
Additionally, Not Before Noon participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links.
Letters to the Editor
Not Before Noon WANTS to hear from YOU! If you would like a more personal conversation with us, have a great idea or suggestion for our blog, YouTube, etc...
we welcome your messages and emails!
We are doing all of this for YOU! Let us know how we are doing!
Any messages or e-mails that are sent to Not Before Noon are subject to be shared with other readers. Not Before Noon will attempt to get permission of the original sender before a public posting. This may mean that all of, or part of the correspondence may be used in future blog posts, articles, books, etc. It will be up to the original sender if they would want to be publicly identified, otherwise Not Before Noon will mark the quote and/or content as "anonymous".