The Season of Transformation
Updated: Apr 26, 2021

"It's okay to begin your story today. Those mistakes you've made along the way are lessons, not failures. You were meant to get back up & find a way that resonates with you. There is no expiration date to reinventing yourself."
Hello September!
Deep, deep breath!! You can feel it, right!?!? The wheel is turning! A brand new season is emerging! My FAVORITE season, actually! I am SO looking forward to all that Fall brings with it! Cooler temperatures, especially, bonfires on those chilly nights!! Comfy, fuzzy jammies & warm blankets!! Comfort foods that will warm your soul!! The crunch of leaves under your boots on a late afternoon hike thru the woods. The COLORS!!! And, it wouldn't be right to leave out...PUMPKIN EVERYTHING!!
After a rough start to 2020, between personal struggles & worldly hardships, it's time to make some changes. It's almost like I've been holding my breath for WAY too many months now. Just sitting in limbo. Biding my time until something happens...not exactly sure of what I was expecting to happen, but have just been holding out for that "something". I think mostly, waiting for the world to "return to normal"...because we all thought all of this would pass quickly. A lot of things were put on hold...a lot of people, too.
Here lately, I feel like I have been being drawn to the word "transformation". Maybe it's the anticipation of all the changes that will soon be happening right outside my window. The trees change...the grass changes...the flowers change...the weather changes. It just seems to be the right time to jump on board & join in!
So what does THAT mean?? Well, to be perfectly honest...I'm not really sure yet!! This is definitely going to be a work in progress...{ha, I've always referred to myself as such!!} I just know that this is something that I DO want to put some energy in...even if I don't know exactly how I'm going to go about it. But, the plan is to write about the journey right here!!
I do know a few things that I would like to make sure I focus on over the next 3 months.
In no particular order...they are all very important to me. I recognize that each one needs some work, some tweaking, & some fine tuning. None really more than others, all of them are in need of a little extra TLC!
My Health...Family...Marriage...Home...Finances
There will be more, I just know it, as I move along.
I think I will grab a notebook, and just do a brain dump on the thoughts I am having in each of the above categories. No need to worry about it being "organized" or pretty, yet! Just a way to get my thoughts out in front of me so I can work with them!
If you are following along...and you'd like to...share what life categories you would like to be working on over this season of transformation below in the comments!! Let's help inspire each other!!
Sending Love & Light to YOU!!