Start Where You Are
Updated: Jun 15, 2023

You can't go back and change the past,
but you can start where you are
and change your future.
Where does the time go??
I keep wanting to sit down to write, but there are always so many things that keep me from doing it. Be it the way I feel...too tired, too sad, too much at a loss of inspiration. Or it is just mundane everyday needs that need met...too many dishes, too much laundry, too many dogs {not really, but some days it can feel that way}. There are schedules to keep up with, the fight to try and get ahead on things, just not enough hours in the day, and the lack of motivation for anything other than hiding in my room from the whole world.
It seems there is to ALWAYS be something that gets in the way. Which, is the whole reason why I keep "starting again"...and again...and again...and now, again. Maybe it's ME. Maybe...I'm getting in my own way??
I'm VERY much an emotional person, and my emotions VERY much run what I can & can not do in any given situation. If I'm "not feeling it" on a day that I sit down to write, or decide to clean, or need to run an errand...well, it's just not happening. And if it does, because I just don't have a choice that day, it's not going to go well, and I will feel awful afterwards.
Then there is the lack of confidence. Even though I enjoy writing, it can be very tough to put yourself "out there". You also wonder, "Why would anyone want to read the boring'ness of MY life?? I'm not even that interesting of a person". Doubts. They can suck the creative nature right out of a person, can't they??
Deep breath. I am...TRYING.
Trying my hardest to put one word after another, in hopes of making something of this little piece of the internet that I've tried to carve out for our family.
Trying to make a go of something that I really do feel very passionately about...I always have thoughts & plans running rampant thru my mind, I just struggle at taking the action that is suppose to follow those thoughts & plans.
Trying to leave a little bit of us here for others..."others" as in YOU, who might be interested in peeking in our windows to see what kinds of shenanigans are happening around here, but mostly, "others" being our children, maybe our children's children {fingers crossed} who one day may enjoy reading a little insight of "US".
Start right where you are RIGHT NOW.... then TRY TO MOVE FORWARD.
With the blank page...put one word down, then another.
At the beginning of the walking trail...take one step, then another.
Right in the middle of the mess...throw one thing away, then another.
Stuck in your bed...put one leg over the edge, then another.
Sitting at the top of Mt Laundry...start one load, then another.
For me, I sit here wanting things to happen...but struggle with MAKING them happen. But, if I show up, and TRY...just simply TRY...give it a best effort in that moment. Taking one step after another step, after another step...and it's totally fine if they are baby may be a slow go, but I will get there.
YOU CAN, TOO!! I believe in YOU!! You've got this!! NOW...Go do the thing, then another!!
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