One Day at a Time

"Don't think about what can happen in a month. Don't think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you, and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be."
Thru December, I had to focus on tackling my month ONE DAY AT A TIME. I took A LOT of deep breaths, mornings filled with meditation, and just did my best to keep my eyes on the day before me. My past, as it does every December, did come knocking a few times. During this month, the memory of my mom is very strong. The good memories that we built together when I was young, but also the hurtful memories of that one December when I was 12 when I lost her to cancer.
Having these types of memories coming to visit during December does leave me susceptible to being more sensitive to other dark, hard, & painful memories, as well. As much as I try to keep positive & spend time with the "good" memories, the ones that prefer the shadows, well...they want their time with me just as much. I believe it is VERY important to take the time with our shadow selves as much as with our "light beings" {our more happier, "good vibes only" part of our inner selves}. I am convinced we {or, at least, I do} need to make time for the "not so happy" memories...they are a part of who we are, part of our story, and have some definitely worthy things to teach us & help us grow. I don't think because they are the opposite of "good" that makes them something we must ignore, or push to those dark corners of our mind...we all know they won't stay there for long.
{RANDOM THOUGHT BUBBLE} I want to point out here that I really don't feel like our memories should be labeled "good" or "bad". I know this makes it easier when we are describing them to others...a memory that makes someone happy would be considered "good", and the opposite of that would be "bad". But then I wonder...if you have "bad" memories, does that make you a "bad" person?? Of course not. Then why do your memories get labeled as "bad"?? Our memories are a part of who we are...what makes us "US", right!?!? I think so. If we are NOT bad, then our memories...if they make us happy or make us cry...should not be considered "bad" either.
When you are "visiting with your past", it's always nice to reminisce with the good memories...they can bring on those warm & fuzzy feelings and put smiles on our faces. Acknowledging "bad" memories, learning from them, listening to them, showing them love, & accepting them as part of are then able to understand your whole self much better, which brings about a greater understanding of who you are, who you want to be, and who you are becoming.
Moving my way thru January, I've tried my very best to stick with this same process. I feel like it is really working for me. Focusing on the ONE DAY AT A TIME....I'm coming to really understand that THAT is all we really have, right!?!?! The past, although some of us like to visit it often, for good reasons, for not so good reasons, and reasons that aren't that good for us, but we go anyways...and the future isn't even written yet, we can definitely plan & hope, but we shouldn't spend too much time there because none of it is certain, not set, and ever changing depending on what we do today.
Today, in this moment, in our NOW...this is where we should give our focus. Which brings new insight for me to that quote, "Do something today that your future self will thank you for." No need to have a detailed plan, or goal...even if you only have an overall hope for where you want to be...or no clue at all...just do today what you will be thankful for tomorrow. {If you do have a goal & plan at the ready, that is AMAZING, too, of course!!}
Focusing on my NOW moments have really made a big difference for me. In the past, I've kinda struggled with the understanding for being "mindful"...I mean, I understood the concept, of course, but just didn't know how to REALLY put it into practice within my every day life. In December, something just "clicked". Maybe out of necessity?? Being on the tail end of some deep shadow work, I needed something to keep myself grounded & keep my emotions in balance so they wouldn't throw me into a storm that I wouldn't have been able to navigate.
My NOW MOMENTS look a little like this...
I get up in the morning, and I look right in front of me and around me to see what needs my attention. Could be the dishes, could be one of the kids, could be a friend, could be the laundry, could be the bills, could be my Husband...whatever it is, THAT is what I put my focus on...and don't worry about much else after that.
Now, obviously, I do have to "look to the future"'s inevitable, right!?!? I have to make menus to plan out dinners for the week, I have to plan out when bills are due to know how much money we need for it, I have to make doctor appointments, I have to plan for upcoming holidays, and so on. But these types of things {other than maybe the bills} are not as much emotionally charged as say, worrying about what's to come {whatever it is that has got my anxiety up in arms at that moment}. Keeping my focus on my NOW MOMENTS helps keep me from those high anxiety times though...which most definitely gives my well-being a much needed break!!
Start where you are...make good choices for YOU in this the things that make YOU happy....and, as always...
Sending Love & Light to YOU!!!