Looking Ahead

The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.
Abraham Lincoln
Hello, Hello!! Hey....you wanna sit & chat with me for a bit?? I'd LOVE the company!!
So....how have you been?? What have you been up to?? What is new with you?? Here, where we are...our summer is winding down. Liam's class started back yesterday {...he's taking an IT class at our local vocational school}. Plus our schedules just got a bit more complicated...not only with Liam's class, and him working his job later in the day, but with Zach starting a new job, too!! Woot woot!! Fingers are crossed all works well with this!! He's got some goals to save up for, and this job will make it much easier to reach those goals!! Very proud of him! Weather has been cooler these past few days. It is beginning to FEEL like fall, even with it still being mid-August. Another reminder of how quickly these years seem to fly by. Sometimes, I believe, the older I get the faster time slips from me. Speaking on "time"...something has been weighing on my mind here lately...
We have three years. Only three years left. Such a small amount of years, and it feels like a huge amount that is going to need done in that window of time. Our homeschooling years are coming to a close. Our time having "children at home" is waning. Zach, who is 18 already, will be beginning his Senior year this fall. Liam, who is 15, will be starting his sophomore year...which puts us at only three years until he graduates.
Deep sigh.
Our "empty nester" days are coming. They are on the horizon. We can now see them off in the distance as they continually move closer & closer each day.
Deep sigh.
It is a bittersweet time. It would be easy to embrace the sadness for the days that have gone by. The ones when we were a big family living in our small house...all together. Kiddos running a muck, playing together, and just doing the things that children do. Knowing the day is coming quick when Danny & I sit in our quiet home with only pictures & memories of our "little ones". On the other hand, though...it is a time to be looking forward to. A time when Danny & I can really focus on each other and what we want to do for the rest of OUR lives. Watch as our amazing beings that we created go out into the world and create lives of their own. It will be such a blessing to be a witness to all of that!
Deep sigh.
Danny & I did get the conversation started...it is by far ONLY the beginning...about what we want our lives to look when we are standing in the threshold of that new chapter. We know the MAIN theme will be, "You, Me, & the Dogs"!! But, with all kidding aside, it is time for us to really start coming up with a good vision of what we each see in our mind for our future. Then, start to make plans on how we can arrive somewhat prepared for our new adventures! After all, we ONLY have three years!!!
For me, I picture us traveling!! Full-time travel. Even for just a while!! I want to go places & see things!! I was out west with my family when I was very young, but would like to go again now that I am {much} older and can appreciate the beauty of the landscape! I would LOVE to go see the Northern Lights! I want to learn about history & SEE the remnants of it that is sprinkled all over our country! I want to meet interesting people along the way! We have to figure out the HOWs on this vision!! How can we be "on the road" for an extended amount of time...and be able to afford the things we need?? Definitely need to do some research and see what we can make work for US!! I know it is possible...others have done it...which means, we can do it!!
Got to figure out what to do with our home?? Do we make a mad dash to pay it off to keep it as our "home base", or sell it and use our money we make from it to help us pay for our travels?? We have quite a bit of work that needs done on it...so we will be needing to focus on THAT, either way, over the next 3 years!! Lots of projects for you all to follow along as we get them checked off of our "To Do List"!! BUT, to be able to pay more on our mortgage, we MUST pay off the credit card FIRST!! What about our savings accounts?? How stockpiled should THEY be??
And, all of THIS stuff...it is all 2nd to the need of making sure our boys are settled into their own lives!! Make certain they are set up to be OK with us being "on the go" & {for the most part} ready to truly be "on their own"!! Then again...I'm not even sure, even at 44, I'm set up to be OK and truly able to be "on my own"!! This "life stuff" isn't easy!! Like I said...SO MUCH TO DO!! Only 3 years!! Will it be enough time??
I appreciate you for being here to listen! This October I will be turning 45...I don't want to mess up what time I have left on this big blue marble! I want to get the most out of it that I can! Getting these thoughts out of my head and "out there" is STEP ONE!! Now...to manifest the rest of it to being all while enjoying this life along the way! Sending Love & Light to YOU!!