Keep Moving Forward

"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we are curious....and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." Walt Disney
There is a brand new year right in front of us. A long awaited "clean slate"...I believe quite a few of us have been yearning for...especially after experiencing 2020. But, this past year, it is now part of our story. Not to be shoved under the rug, not to be thrown into the back of the closet, and not to be forgotten. We both know, it won't let us even if we wanted to.
It is inevitable to look backwards...the trick is to only do so when you must, and to be sure you don't spend too much time there. It is ours, obviously...and we have a type of obligation to our past. It is what created who we are right here, right now. There are still lessons that reside in our past that we need to learn. Some of those lessons aren't meant to be learned until later...when we can better understand them. So yes...most definitely take the time to visit your past, have a cup of coffee, chat about things, learn new lessons, appreciate your time together, cry & laugh together...then say "goodbye 'til next time". You are needed in the now!!
As this new year begins, I want our whole family to KEEP MOVING FORWARD. Here are some of the things I have rolling about in my head that I would like to really see progress in in this new year ahead...{these are in no particular order...}
*For our marriage...I want us to be able to spend more time together as a couple...heal past hurts & focus on our future plans, hopes & dreams....keep doing date nights & special little things to grow our bond...definitely plan for more camping trips just the Hubs & more when things are bothering us, even if it's hard....more hugs & kisses and coffees & cuddles!!
*For our Family...I want us to have more family time...dinners at the outings & get togethers...have some family goals...have the boys make goals for this coming year...make a plan for our last few years of homeschooling...have us all back to where it was "Family First"...Zach find a new job, a new hobby, spend less time in "video game world...more camping trips!!
*For our home...I want us to really get serious about working on our little cottage here...she definitely needs some TLC & a little fixing up. Although, I really do appreciate our home we have created here, I don't feel like this is our "forever home" gypsy'ness is kicking in, I'm ready to change views!!
*For our health...I want us to be making better food choices, moving more, being more aware of what we can do for our well being...making sure that we realize that mental & emotional health is just as important as physical health...more meditation & journaling {at least for me...not sure if the guys would be interested}
*For our finances...I want us to make the commitment to getting ourselves back to a good place financially. It will be a long process, but we can most definitely get there with a vow of hard work & perseverance. We have our fingers crossed that Danny will get a good raise this year!! He will also be working toward getting some credentials!! If needed, who knows...a new job might be in the cards!! Will just have to see how things fall!
*For myself...I want to be happy...first & foremost!! I want to learn a new language & learn new skills....I want to cook & bake more...I want to drink more more books...write more blog posts...go camping & better, move more, be healthy in all ways that I can...spend more time with family & friends {as soon as we can safely}...take more naps...learn more about minimalism...embrace the a better wife & mother...get back to my happy homemaker roots.
Whew...that's A LOT, right!?!? It does feel so much better to have those all written out instead of trying to hold onto them in my head. I lose things all the time up there!! I'm sure more stuff will come up as the year goes on, too!! I'm sure freeing up some space will do me good!!
Think the next step should be getting a notebook to break some of these down to make plans & goals to work towards. Figure out the HOW of what I want these things to "look like", "feel like", and "be". WHAT do I need to do to make these things happen. Take some time to just THINK about all of it. Wrap my head around what I really want out of this life...figure out what I can get my family on board with...what will be doable with where we are right now...but...most matter what...
KEEP MOVING FORWARD!! Sending Love & Light to YOU!!!