Just Show Up

"Sometimes the bravest & most important thing you can do is just show up."
{Deep sigh}
{Deep sigh...again}
I know it's been a minute. I do apologize for my absence. My lack of postings. I was in a HUGE need of an escape from, well, everything...a time away from all that was "out there"...to be able to hide in my own world...trying to secure a safe place for me to reassess, reboot, & review what I had going on. Life threw me for quite a loop...as it seems to be loving to do for the past couple few years or so. Ugh.
While on my month long hiatus, I took a lot of time to slow WAY down...to really think on things, on how things are going, on the direction my life is headed, and where I would like to see myself & my family in the future. Lots of soul searching. Some brainstorming & planning. Definitely refocusing on what are THE most important things. A bunch of inner work.
For February being the shortest month of the year, it felt like it was the longest month ever to me. There were many darker days filled with "I'mma just stay in bed all day" days, times where my depression & anxiety just took over my days and I was just along for the ride, and many, many tears. Deep breath. By the end of February, things were starting to settle...thankfully. Balance out, a little. I still have LOTS of work I need to do to REALLY feel like things are "GOOD", but...I'm getting there.
March brings with it the opportunity & hope for a fresh start. Which, is definitely something I need right now. Just a clean slate...on many different levels...or just ALL THE LEVELS! Wipe it all away, and begin again. I think...really...that will be my goal in areas of my life starting from this point. Empty things out...clean things out...freshen stuff up...and just start over. It definitely sounds REALLY nice in theory...we'll have to see how that works out "in real life" as we go along.
Some things that I will be working on this March...
REDOING OUR BEDROOM: It is in a desperate need of a make-over for sure!!! Oh my. We are REALLY wanting to really just go thru and redo our whole little cottage here!! {Maybe for a possible sale in the future so we can find our dream cottage in the woods??? Oh...THAT would be really nice...but, one step at a time!!} Money & time are always things working against us...but we will be trying our best to do whatever we can...and we'll be starting in the bedroom!!
STARTING OUR DREAM CAREERS: I've talked about this SO many times before!! I would LOVE for our family to be able to make our careers out of things like YouTube, Twitch, Patreon, blogs, and the like. Hardest part is just taking those initial steps to BEGIN!! For the month of March, we are going to begin RECORDING & making videos...they probably won't become available until sometime in April, just FYI...we'll have LOTS of stuff to learn while we go!!
I would absolutely LOVE for Danny to be able to work from home with me!! It would be a dream come true if we could do this!! So...we are going to do our best to put as much as we can into this new journey and see if we can make things happen!! Fingers crossed!!! Wish us luck!!
WELLNESS & WELL-BEING: For the month of March we will be focusing on our Wellness & Well-Being. I also made that the focus of one of my Facebook groups for my local homeschool families. Just trying to surround myself with the motivation of what I am wanting to improve. I really want to see Danny & I moving more toward a life where we can put lots of focus on the healthy of our minds, bodies, & spirits more than we have in the past. There really IS something to all of it!! It makes a true difference!! We have already seen it in just the few changes we've made so far.
After the month I took "off"...I am definitely ready to JUST SHOW UP...make some changes...do things a little different...in some ways, I will honestly say I am reluctant to "begin again", but it is definitely the path that needs taken...and to just start some new projects & adventures.
Life is short...and I can't remain on the sidelines for too long. Got to take that deep breath...pull up my boot straps...and get back into it. It really is an amazing life, isn't it?? Even with the times that seem like life gets turned totally upside down on you. "This too shall pass." Trying to remember this. Not only for the hard times that will pass...but for the good ones, as well. I don't want to miss too many of those hiding in my cave!!
So here I am...JUST SHOWING UP for my life!! <3
Sending Love & Light to YOU!!!