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Ebb & Flow

Writer: Jennifer ConnJennifer Conn

"HUMAN...It's okay to feel sad. It's okay to feel angry. It's okay to feel frustrated. Whatever you are feeling, it is okay. Sometimes we forget that we are only human---we go thru ups and downs, twists and turns. Life is unpredictable, fragile, and constantly changing. There are bound to be unexpected surprises & bumps along the way. So when you are feeling sad, when you are feeling angry or frustrated, let yourself feel it completely. Let your river of emotion flow and feel it's depth and be kind to yourself. You are only human."
Walk the Earth

My emotions ebb & flow pretty frequently. I'm not totally sure if they are on some sort of cycle, or if it is all in reference to things going on around me...or, I guess, it could be both. Emotions & moods can be least I find them to be. It's great on the good days, but pretty tough on the hard days.

Today is one of the hard days. It is actually day 2 of hard days. I never know how long these series of days will last. Could be just a handful of days, to over a week or more. Unpredictable...always. THAT I can count on.

So, how am I feeling in the midst of having a tough am I feeling right now? Disconnected. In my last post, I said that when I can connect to the energies around me, I can feel content & at peace....when I am feeling disconnected, there is NO energies, no feeling, no nothing...I just feel numb. Like there is a big empty spot right in the middle of my being. I prefer to stay in my room & in my bed during this time. I will watch YouTube or do some reading. Whatever I can do without having to leave my cave. Not really up to interacting with anyone. Even my puppies get on my nerves more during this time, and I try and keep my distance. There is zero motivation, zero inspiration, and zero cares about just about everything in that moment. Now, don't get me wrong here...if my husband or my children need me for something, I will do may be begrudgingly, but I will do it. If there is an emergency, I will snap up & do what needs done. But, just the mundane everyday chores, cooking, laundry, going places, doing things, etc...they lose all of their interest for me. I am using all of the energy I have to just breathe & be awake...anything needing extra energy, is just too much on those days. I take LOTS of naps.

Being a person who tries to be the one giving inspirational incentive to live your best & happiest is hard to be on THIS side. I know ALL the things you are to say to a person who is in the middle of struggle...who is having a hard time getting thru their days...who can only see their world as dull & lifeless. I could put up a million quotes to share on their worst days to try and get them to find their light at the end of tunnel. We all do this when someone we know is hurting. Offer comfort & try to remind them that this will pass. With me, I do already know all of THAT. I get it. I understand it. And I believe it wholeheartedly. It's just a matter of "getting through". But, I also know, that you shouldn't rush the process. In my experience, times like these are brought on by things that are needed to be felt...and in those hard days, while you are having a bunch of emotions, certain emotions, or no emotions at all...there are feelings or thoughts or troubles or something {it will be personal, different for everyone} that needs to be brought out into the needs needs needs love...possibly needs needs embraced...and then, by the end, hopefully, it will be let go.

If we try to rush through or push down these things that are fighting to be let out...they will return...again & again...until we handle them the way they are needing us to. So my advice, dig in on your hard days. Feel them...deeply. Journal & meditate/pray. Find out what is at the core of why you are struggling the way you are. We all know that knowledge is power! So take that power back!! Learn from it. Grow from it. Keep in mind that it will only be temporary...there IS another side, and you WILL get there. But, not before you do what needs to be done!

Sending Love & Light to YOU!!!



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We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that!


Not Before Noon...Inspire serves as a vessel to project my passions, share the lessons I am learning, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world.


So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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