Detox My Way

"Detox your entire life. Clean your body, mind, and soul. Your house, your car, and your phone. Get everything in alignment, get everything back on track."
I am NOT some big health nut who is advertising the newest detox fad. I don't even know how to "officially" do an "official" detox. If that is what you are looking for...definitely do NOT do what I do!!
For me, "detox" is so much more than green smoothies...{actually, I don't really do "green smoothies" at all. Might throw in some spinach leaves into a smoothie here & there...but it's not like what people think of when they think "detox drinks".} Yes, I definitely am in the process of getting the things that are not doing my body good OUT! They do not serve me, or my well-being in any helpful way. So, it's long past time to "clean house"!
How do I go about that?? Eating better is number 1 on the list. I've decided to go back to NO gluten & NO dairy. Light on the sugar & sodium. Avoid processed ANYTHING as much as I possibly can. Try to choose more whole foods whenever there is a choice. Less caffeine. I'm attempting to get more water in...this is a HUGE struggle for me. Not a big fan of water, but I am doing my best.
Upped my Vit D intake for the darker winter months. Started a probiotic...just the yogurt....been reading up on the connection between gut health & mental health. Thought I would give it a shot and see how it goes.
More Epsom salt baths...reading...relaxing...meditation...naps.
Just taking things slow overall.
How have I been doing?? Last week was ROUGH!!! Taking out foods that try their best to hold on to you like some parasite is always tough. Gluten, dairy, & sugar are three that light up your brain just as much as some of those heavy duty addictive drugs do...and can be difficult to break the connections they create. They are the "feel good foods", and we all are looking for a little "feel good" these days.
I had mood swings, emotionally breaking days, tears galore, stomach pains, headaches, chest was a hard week. I slept A LOT...just trying to get thru it all.
This week, I'm feeling much better! Thank goodness!! Only thing left, really, is a low grade headache...which doesn't seem too bad after the last few days. I am hoping that it will taper off here real soon! I feel like my energy is returning...which is SUCH good news!! I was missing having a little more umphf in my days!!
What is next for me?? I've got a few ideas...
*Keep making healthy eating choices. Even when it's tough, it will be for the best in the long run.
*Exercise?? Hoping to!! It's COLD out there...not sure if I can convince myself to go for walks everyday...but, maybe find some online things I can follow along with to tide me over until the warmer weather returns!!
*Take the time I need to help get my mental well being in a good place! Get a good control over my emotions. Be that with meditations to learning new ways...both & everything in between will serve me well!!
*Start planning a "surroundings detox"...get my house in order, car cleaned up, and phone cleared out!! Make space for only positives!! {So that it will not be so detrimental when negatives make their way in!}
*Survive the holidays!! Sending Love & Light to YOU!!!