Building the New {Can You Relate Series}

It's time... The focus needs to be on "building the new"...the "where we want to be"...the "where we want to go"...the "goals we want to crush".
The thing is though... Got to figure out, *THE HOW*.
With a brain like mine, the tendency is to have a bit of time where we feel like we could conquer the whole Universe in one afternoon!! There are amazing plans that are made, goals that are written down, & visualizations that are just pure magic.
But, as the usual...we wind up on the other side of it, eventually....and we can be at our lowest of lows. Nothing gets done, because there is only enough energy to survive the day...barely. All the *action* gets left behind or pushed to the side because it just becomes too much.
THIS is why I have started, stopped, & started this blog again, and again, and again. Along with other blogs I have tried to get going in the past. It's why there are different projects....physical ones, digital ones, mental ones...all left laying about unfinished. It's why this house always seems to be a mess. If I'm not fired up, waist deep in inspiration to do ALL the things, I'm stuck in my bed & in my head with ZERO motivation to do any of the things.
Balance is a very elusive concept to me, I am finding. I know WHAT it is. I know what it is SUPPOSED TO look like. I do get GLIMPSES of it from time to time. But I just can't seem to put it into play in my daily life. Why is that?? Am I Balance Intolerant?? Possibly. As I have been learning more & more about ADHD in women later in their well as sitting here pretty sure I am undiagnosed seems the cards are stacked against me.
BUT...I'm not willing to give up just yet. I'm in a good place right now to feel like there HAS to be a way to learn how to "hack my brain" in a way that it will work FOR me and not against me.
Can you relate??
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The "Can You Relate Series" will be my way of journaling about some things that I have going on...just on the off chance there are others out there feeling the same way. A lot of us end up just keeping things to ourselves. It's obvious sometimes WHY we chose to do this...but, it does help when you speak up. Especially if you do make connections with others who have felt the same way before, or are feeling that way now.
{Disclaimer: I know, I know...especially with all that I've written here, I should just go and talk with my Primary Doctor about my suspicions about having ADHD. I get it, I really do. Also, I think it IS a good idea, and will do day. I'm just not ready quite yet.}