A Witchful Way

"Those who do not believe in magic will never find it." Roald Dahl
At the edge of the village, you can find a little cottage tucked away in a grove of trees. Big, old, wise trees that have been standing guard at the fringe of the forest for hundreds of years. Brave soldiers watching the world change over time, but remaining steadfast in their positions. Oh, the stories they must have. Once the cottage was built, they became it's protector, as well. Keeping it safe from harsh winds, hard rains, and the hot rays of the sun.
The woman who lives within is close, with not only the trees, but all the plants that surround her beautiful home. She works intimately with them. Together with nature to bring magic into her little corner of this world. In ways some won't understand, she is connected to everything that surrounds her. The energies of the Earth, of the Universe.
Magic is found everywhere is this lovely lady's life. When she arises in the morning & gives thanks for another day. In the coffee she drinks to wake herself to her day ahead. In the dishes she does while feeling thankful for the meals together with her family. In the breakfast that gives her energy to do what must be done in this day. In the walk through the meadow she will take before lunch. In the loyal dog she has a companion. In her children that are playing hide & seek in the trees. In the love she has for her amazing soulmate. In her garden where she grows many of the foods she prepares for her family. In her kitchen where she creates the nourishing meals that they will consume around their table at dinner. In the cookies & pastries that she bakes to share with her neighbors. In the fire that keeps their cottage warm & cozy. In her meditations to give thanks for her day & all her blessings. In her soft bed & warm blankets that comfort her as she drifts off to dream of another day.
This woman lives her life closer to the Earth & elements than most of us do. Maybe in a way some of us secretly...or maybe not so secretly...strive to or would love to be able to one day. A slower pace of living...closer to nature...being able to take the time to really appreciate the life we live...spend the most amount of time as we can with our loved ones...enjoy growing & eating the food we prepare...take joy in caring for our home & our small piece of this world...living our lives on our terms & in a way that brings the MOST happiness to our hearts & souls.
It may just be me...since I'm the one who came up with this enchanting soul...but I see this as a being living her most magical life. There is LOTS of magic out there to be found. It surrounds all of us...everyday...in every moment. You just have to know how to look to find it!
"There is a little witch in all of us." Practical Magic
Here I am. A 44 year old woman who is nervous about sharing a part of herself with the world. Which, can be understandable...in how this world is at times. It can cause a person to really hesitate sharing a lot of their true selves with others. But, I do want a place that I can have to keep some of the thoughts & beliefs that I have. And, my own blog, I think, would be the perfect place to start!
Hello...My name is Jennifer, and I live in a witchful way.
There it is! It's out there!! I'm "out of the broom closet", as they say!!
Guess, I can't just leave it at THAT, though!! So let me go into it just a little bit more on what I mean by a "witchful way".
I really don't like "labels". Labeling things can be dangerous. Once you put a label or title to something, others think they KNOW everything about it. For some things, this IS very much helpful...like once you get a diagnosis of medical issues you have been having but just haven't been able to put a name to it. Once you can identify it...you can research & connect with others going through what you are going through. BUT, on the other hand, in the instance of something like THIS...usually the label is just used to give an answer to questions that others are asking...but, it doesn't really define the person in question totally. THIS is where care needs to be given.
I've decided to forgo a label. None out there really define my thoughts, my beliefs, my feelings, my energies, or can give a complete picture of the person I am. BUT, if I had to use one, "witch" would probably describe my practice the closest. "Living in a witchful way" is my own definition that describes where I am at AT THIS MOMENT. Which can change...over time, of course. Life is fluid in that way.
I wander through this life in search of knowledge. I crave learning new things & new perspectives. I am still...and will forever be... searching, experiencing, & learning. I seek further understanding on just about anything & everything out there...at the very least I would have some level of curiosity about it!
I believe that the world...the Universe...is full of energy. Everything you see holds certain amounts of energy. Some can have high or low levels...depending on what it is we are talking about. {For example, Bob would have more energy than the chair he is sitting on.}
For myself, I connect with and use that energy. What do I use it for?? That's a great question!! For me, I use it to center & ground myself and my emotions. I feel more content & peaceful when I am connected to the energies around me. I do this by meditations, going for walks, or just closing my eyes and "feeling" the world around me. {I know that last one sounded really woo-woo, haha, maybe a lot of this does...at times, it can be really hard to describe spiritual things.}
Being a witch..."...is a spiritual path. You walk it for nourishment of the soul, to commune with the life force of the Universe, and thereby better know your own life." Christopher Penczak
What does my life being lived "in a witchful way" look like?? To sum it up nicely...some days, I feel like everything I do is in some way witchy. When I have Coffee Date Night with my Husband...it is our weekly ritual to connect with each other. To me, that seems VERY magical!! Whenever I'm out in nature, EVERYTHING around me holds that sense of wonder & magic. I listen to Podcasts, watch YouTube videos, read books...all in attempts to learn more about life & spirituality. When I am eating & doing healthy things, I see that as treating my sacred space with reverence & respecting the beauty of this vessel that houses my soul. Showers can be used to wash away hurts & pains that can get stuck. When planting seeds & flowers, and working in our gardens. Cooking & baking for sure!! Washing dishes is a great time to meditate or picture in your mind's eye what you would like to see happening in your life.
Magic is everywhere, if you take the time to really look...and if you don't see it, then by all means, create your own magic!
In these ways & more is how I live in a witchful way.
Sending Love & Light to YOU!!!